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customers testimonial.

Bluestone AM (1)
Kenno_logo_rgb (1)-3

We use Silcube to manage our relationships with both investors and debtors to our entire satisfaction. The system automatically produces factsheets, and other data reports required by our investors. Silcube also automatically sends interest invoices to our debtors and is a fantastic tool to manage our cash flow projection.

Bernard Simonin
Head of Project and Merchant Finance

The Total Return Analysis, which Silcube created per my request for my fund, was awesome because the gross IRR of an investment can be very different from the total shareholder return,” says Mikael. “We use that as an internal tool to evaluate the investment team’s performance.

Mikael Nastamo
CEO at Kenno

Bluestone Asset Manager Ltd is a Mauritius company formed in 2020 in order to address the increasing liquidity shortage witnessed in trade finance and help small to mid-size trading companies continue to carry out their commercial activity despite a deteriorating business environment.

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Kenno is an independent, regulated asset management firm focused on long-term investments and active ownership. It combines its Finnish family-business heritage with a contemporary investment approach to growing clients’ capital, ensuring its open-ended fund provides long-term value to clients and society in emerging and frontier markets.

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